Veterans Service

About Veterans Service

The Nassau County Veterans’ Service Office provides free benefit claims counseling and information and referral assistance to veterans, their dependents, and survivors.

  • Have a question regarding your entitlement to State and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Veterans’ Benefits? We have the answer for you.
  • Need assistance completing benefit claim paperwork? We will complete, file and follow up on your claim.
  • Have you been denied DVA veterans’ benefits? We can assist you in filing a notice of disagreement and further assist you with the appeal process.
  • Need to obtain a verification of eligibility or verification of benefits for financial assistance programs? We can verify and complete necessary paperwork.
  • Need assistance understanding DVA decisions or correspondence? Our experienced claims officers work closely with the DVA to make the process of obtaining benefits easy for you.
  • We also provide information and assistance on Health Care eligibility, Home Loan Programs, Government Life Insurance, and the Vocational Rehabilitation Program for veterans’ with disabilities.


Bob Sullivan

Bob Sullivan

(904) 548-4670

76347 Veterans Way
Yulee, Florida 32097

In recent months there has been a significant increase in call volume to our Veterans Service Officer.  Veterans and their families are calling and emailing daily, seeking Bob’s guidance and expertise. We are looking to hire another VSO, but that will take some time.


In the meantime, we ask for your patience. Helping you is important to us and we are working diligently to get back to each person who contacts our office. Leaving a voicemail or sending an email with your contact information is the best way to ensure a one-on-one chat with Bob. We will get back to you just as soon as we can.