Nassau Clerk Employees Review Training During Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The Nassau County Clerk of Court and Comptroller employees spent the day, Thursday, Oct. 24, with officials from Micah’s Place, learning about domestic violence prevention and how to help citizens seeking relief.

Florida Statue 741.30 requires Clerk of Court employees to receive training in the effective assistance of petitioners seeking shelter from domestic abuse. That’s where Micah’s Place staff comes in. Micah’s Place is the certified domestic violence center that serves survivors of domestic violence in Nassau County. The center offers services including an emergency shelter, 24/7 hotline, legal assistance, court advocacy, as well as outreach program and supportive services.

“Our partnership with the court system is extremely important in making a smooth transition for victims of abuse into a place of safety,” said Cassie Ott, Micah’s Place Outreach Director. “One of the biggest legal protections a survivor can gain is an injunction for protection – a restraining order – against their abuser.”

Court employees help file protection orders, offer information for protections under the law, and provide assistance connecting to services provided by state and county providers like Micah’s Place.

To learn more about Micah’s Place and services offered in Nassau County, visit

Clerk Staff Train on Domestic Violence Awareness
Micah’s Place Outreach Director Cassie Ott leads a discussion on Domestic Violence Awareness with Clerk of Court John A. Crawford, and Clerk staff Amy Ennis, Debbie Watson, and Michele Johnson